The Artemus is a micro-sized one piece multi-tool the size of a house key. This allows for convenient everyday carry on your keychain, mounted in a common key organizer, or simply stored in your pocket or purse. It features eight useable tools featuring the first-ever split ring plier, designed into a compact titanium form factor.
Although other large, bulky multi-tools may have more functions, they are not always that convenient to carry around with you on a daily basis. It doesn't matter how many tools you have, what matters is that you have a fundamental toolset that is available when you need them. That is why we developed the Artemus.
Artemus Features:
- Titanium unibody construction is virtually indestructible
- Non-corrosive and hypoallergenic
- Fits into virtually all key holder/organizers (i.e. KeySmart, KeyBar, Orbitkey, etc.) or simply attaches to your keychain
- TSA Safe
- 8 functions:
- Split ring plier (or fisherman's plier)
- Box opener
- Screwdriver
- Pry tip
- Nail file
- Inch measurement scale engraving
- Millimeter measurement scale engraving
- Pocket hanger
- Only 2.54 mm (0.10") thick

What you get:
- [1] Artemus Split Ring Plier Micro-tool
- [1] Split Ring
- (1) SPLIT RING PLIER: Also known as a fisherman's plier, this is the tool that sets the Artemus apart from every other multi-tool in existence. How many times have you tried to put a key or a piece of gear on your keychain and used a knife or broke a fingernail during the attempt? Perhaps you tried to attach something to your keyring while wearing gloves! Well those days are over. With the Artemus, you can easily separate the coils of that split ring with almost zero effort. NO other multi-tool in the universe has this feature.
- (2) BOX OPENER: If you are like the average person, you receive many packages from various sources every week. Most of you probably try to open the box with your key, because there is nothing else readily available. Since you are reaching for your keys anyway, why not flip out the Artemus and use a tool that actually works? The tip has a fine blade point that is great for tearing open packaging tape, but not too sharp to cause pain when stored in your pocket.
- (3) SCREWDRIVER: Using the same tip as the box opener, this can also be conveniently used as a flat head screwdriver. It works great for those small screws that always seem to work themselves loose.
- (4) PRY TIP: A bit more robust than the small screwdriver tip, the pry tip is great for when you just need to put a little more effort into your work. Open that paint can, pry out that rock from your tire tread, scrape the old paint off the window sill, or even use it on larger screws or to open those really thick boxes. I bet you can come up with a thousand more uses for the pry tip. And the Artemus will accommodate all of them. In addition, if you store the Artemus in a key organizer, the pry tip can be used to pivot the unit out of your stack of keys!
- (5) NAIL FILE: This nice little insert can accommodate filing off rough edges of virtually anything, including your fingernail! And if you have anything else that is just a bit too sharp for your liking, Arti will take care of that as well. The file sits flush with the top surface of the tool, so it will not interfere with deployment from a key organizer.
- (6) INCH MEASUREMENT SCALE ENGRAVING: Always handy to have with you, a ruler is great for checking any number of small measurement tasks. Although it is a small measuring length, don't dismiss the fact that having a one inch ruler with you is extremely valuable. It's all about convenience.
- (7) MILLIMETER MEASUREMENT SCALE ENGRAVING: Same as #6 above, except for the measuring length being 2 centimeters!
- (8) POCKET HANGER: The Artemus is a versatile tool, providing you several methods in which to carry it. You can simply use the hole to attach it to your keychain, or you can use the slot formed by the split ring plier to slide it down the edge of your pocket. The "U" shape provides a means to grab onto your pocket edge (or any piece of material) keeping the Arti ready for action. If you choose to carry it in a key organizer, you can pivot the Artemus out slightly to expose the slot, allowing you to hang the entire key organizer from your pocket edge. This will prevent your organizer from sitting at the bottom of your pocket with all your other items, creating a huge pocket bulge.
Some of you may be wondering why we named this product the Artemus. Well, we think of this multi-tool as somewhat of a sidekick, something that gets you out of trouble on a routine basis. That led us to the old 60's TV series The Wild Wild West.
The main character James West (Robert Conrad), was a secret service agent in the late 1800's solving crimes, protecting the President, and foiling all types of evil villain plans. Although he was the star of the show, he was also notorious for getting himself into some type of predicament in every episode. And it always came down to his comical sidekick Artemus Gordon, to somehow get James out of said trouble (usually in costume) and save the day. Therefore, we thought it would be a very appropriate name for this multi-tool (and the name just has a certain flair to it!)