Embrite™ Glow Material
Are you searching for glow in the dark material to integrate into your latest product? Embrite™ is our proprietary phosphorescent composite material exhibiting cutting edge glow technology that will outlast and outshine anything on the market.
Available in your choice of five different daylight/glow colors, this impressive material will amaze you with the intensity of its glow. You will not find anything brighter, this is the material you want for your next project.
We can manufacture Embrite™ into virtually any shape and size, so let us help you make that unique application even more special. Give us a call today to discuss your ideas!

Custom Shapes and Sizes
Embrite™ is manufactured in-house, allowing us to offer many custom options to suit your specific requirements.
Rods, sheets, custom shapes, you name it. Various textured surfaces, simulated carbon fiber patterns, holes, bevels, just tell us what you need!
Embrite™ can also be easily cut, filed, sanded or polished to get that final perfect finish. See our Technical Bulletin for all the details.

Surface Textures
We can integrate textures or designs into the Embrite™ surface for improved grip or enhanced cosmetics

Custom Shapes
We can produce custom shapes in all five colors of Embrite™. Tell us what you need!

Bright Beyond Belief
If you want the absolute brightest glow material, there is no other choice than Embrite™.